Wedding Countdown

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kinda Sleepy

So, I managed to talk to my best friend Shelby last weekend for the first time in over a year or so. It was great being able to catch up. Turns out they moved back to PA cuz they were tired of running around the world and such, go figure. Anyways I told him and his wife Amanda about the wedding (I'm pretty sure they are the only two outside of me and Trista who know about it) and I'm pretty excited cuz they said they would do their best to be there! Which is awesome because I was Shelby's best man at his wedding and It'd be awesome for him to be mine, plus there's nothing cooler than hanging out in vegas right? Well wait I guess there is, getting married in vegas is cooler! Even better than that? Being married by the King of Rock and Roll Elvis himself in vegas! Things are starting to come together a bit, we looked into possibly taking out a small loan to pay for the whole shebang an it seems like something we can do easy enough. I think I might talk to my parents this weekend and let them know the big news. They have been pro-eloping ever since my brother did it, so I'll definitely want their opinion when it comes to moneys and loans and such.

That's all for now, more to come I'm sure!

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