Wedding Countdown

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Date is set!

Title says it all really. We called the Little Chapel of Flowers last night and spoke with the wedding planner and put down our deposit for our wedding in the Magnolia Chapel for July 1st! The 1st is a special date already because it will be our second anniversary or when we started dating. After this year it will be our wedding anniversary! We got everything hammered out though and we are ready to go!

I am very excited. Now we just need to pay off the rest of the balance, get me a suit, Trista a dress, and Shelby, Amanda, and Amy all on a flight! It should be so much fun. I am excite!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I notice that the closer this gets the more nervous I am about it. Surely, this is normal?

Fortunately, the nerves are tempered with a great deal of excitement. I love Johnny and he makes me happy. We laugh all the time. We respect each other. I know that I won't ever be embarrassed to say, "This is Johnny, my husband." I am already proud of everything he's done to help us get this far in creating our new family. It is not possible for me have done better.

I'm getting too mushy.

121 days left.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hurdle 1 crossed.

Well we told our parents this weekend! My parents took it very well, my dad actually said my mom had been waiting to hear this, and my mom said my grandma has been really waiting to hear it. As expected my parents both greatly approve of the Vegas idea. They have been telling me I should elope since my brother and his wife did it way back when. My parents also did something amazingly awesome for us and have agreed to pay for our hotel and flight cost for the trip! Now that our flight and hotel is booked it almost feels like the wedding money battle is half over (in some ways it is.).
Next step is a deposit on the chapel, and sense I got paid today I expect that to happen post haste! Oh and we are staying in new York new York woo!