Wedding Countdown

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Clothes done!

Well I managed to pick my clothes. A red dress shirt, a black vest, some black pants, and Black converse. I haven't got the converse yet, but will soon. I also haven't decided on a tie yet. It's nice to have that sorted out though. We decided it might be too hot for a full suit, so I don't think I'll be getting a jacket, but there is still time should I change my mind. As for the shoes, I don't know if I'm going to get normal black converse, or if I will look into ordering a custom pair. I need to look at the shoe maker thing on the website again. It's nice to have that done. As far as I know, Trista's dress selection is pretty much done, I'm sure she will write something about it soon.

We also decided we will be eating out reception dinner at The Round Table Buffet at the Excalibur. All you can Feast. It's about 18 bucks a person, which is pretty good for a vegas buffet, and the food still looks good, plus it right across from the hotel where we and most everyone else will be staying so we wont have to play Taxi tag to get everyone over there! We are waiting on final numbers before we actually make the reservation. So far, my parents, chris, Trista's mom and grandma are the only ones to officially buy their tickets. Shelby and Amanda are waiting for their tax refund, and so is Amy, as for Trista's Dad who knows. I also finally managed to get a hold of my brother Mike after a week of trying to call, I ended up having to call my nephew Justin to get a hold of him! So, I e-mailed them all the info and am waiting to hear if they will be able to make it or not.

Hopefully by the end of april everyone will have their travel and hotel squared away so we can officially call the Excalibur and tell the chapel the final numbers.

Now we are starting to really think about things to do in Vegas after the wedding. We know we want to see Penn and Teller, we are both big fans of their show Bull Shit. We are also thinking Zoomanity, but other than that I'm not sure. I'm sure looking forward to going to Vegas for the first time! July can't come soon enough!