Wedding Countdown

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Friday, February 25, 2011

I found some more books at work recently on the subject of non-traditional weddings, specifically Let's Elope. Granted, its a decade old at this point but it's still useful. For example, I had no idea what to do about engagement or wedding announcements, now I do. It also supplied more reasons for eloping, strategies for your parents, and information about places to go other than Las Vegas, which I had not even thought about, much less considered. I think we'll stick with Vegas though.

I spoke to Amy about the possibility of her making the wedding. I wanted to give her a lot of lead time because I know money is tight for a lot of us. She's my best friend in the whole world and she lives in Florida now. It'll be tough to plan everything without her. I really hope she can make it.

It would also be nice if my parents could make it, but I don't have high hopes. Much like Amy, there is work and funding to consider and they are not small considerations at all.

126 days left.

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