Wedding Countdown

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I have a cold so basically nothing got accomplished this weekend. I finally sent John Mark his promised email so now he, Tabitha, and Ben have all officially been invited. It remains to be seen what will come of it.

We're still waffling on the issue of the reception dinner. Since I'm pretty sure I heard the old man say he was PAYING for the reception I'm feeling a little unsure about a buffet. There are lots of VERY nice restaurants in Mandalay Bay and lots of nice bars we could mosey to afterward as well. It might be nice to go to a nice place. We may get special treatment and I'm sure it'd be an easy thing to get a nice, private room without too much extra bullshit. But I don't know. Maybe my dad is effecting me.

Definitely we need to have made a decision in the next couple of weeks though so we can move on this. We should have our minds made up on Plans A and B so when we tell my dad wether he wants to pay or not the decision is made either way.

I'm getting tired of sending everyone the same Las Vegas information and travel links. It's really sounding like a good idea to have another website or even maybe a Facebook group to disseminate this information in an easy fashion.

I can't believe there's so much still left to do and decisions to make and people to whip into making a decision before we get married, and there's only 82 days left.

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