Wedding Countdown

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Well 3 months eh? I can't wait. I keep asking Trista if it is June yet, and sadly the answer is always no.

There has been some discussion of possible changes made to our "Reception" dinner after the wedding. We did some Review checking on the Round Table buffet, and it sounds like Round Table might be kinda shitty (eg, cold food etc). So we may spring for the Mandalay Buffet which is one hotel down and only a few bucks more expensive, plus they offer private rooms for groups of 20+ we won't have that many, but we plan to call them and see if we can get such a room anyways if its not too expensive.

Trista's dad seems to think we can do better than a buffet, and there is rumor that he may pay for the reception someplace nicer that a buffet, and thats fine any help he wants to offer we will greatly accept. The only problem is getting everybody to said place, the nice thing about the buffets is they are walking distance from our hotels. Plus if the Buffet is good, I don't see what is wrong with it, and from all accounts Mandalay Buffet is nice. I think Trista's dad tends to fancy us as more luxurious people than we really are sometimes...

Anyways, we need to make a decision some time this month about what we plan to do for it, and its definitely time to get everyone who doesn't have plane tickets/hotel reservations to get them! Clock is tickin!

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