Wedding Countdown

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, March 14, 2011


Last Tuesday, Johnny and I officially became engaged. He suprised me when I came home from work with take home Red Lobster and my beautiful tanzanite and diamond ring in a little red box. We changed our facebook relationship status and posted about it and we got well wishes all night. Since then things have been in high gear.

When I visited my parents this past weekend I picked out my dress with my mother and grandmothers help from etsy. I'm getting my dress, petticoat, and bolero from the same little shop so they should all be ready to go at the same time. My mother is also buying my dress which saves us money and is a lovely gesture, so now all I have to do is find something to do with my hair.

Tomorrow, we'll probably tootle over to the Men's Wearhouse after we go to visit his parents to see what they've got in terms of suits. Johnny still hasn't decided on his clothes but he has more time than I do. He can't seem to decide between just going ahead and getting a suit or going more casual. I say do whatever you like that's what I'm doing; Honestly, I'm just happy to be marrying you.

My main issue right now is with some of our beloved guests who can't seem to get their plans in order. I hate to be a nag but gas prices and airfares are going up, and I don't want to bankrupt people when they come to my wedding. As it stands now we have officially 5 guests: my mother and grandmother and his parents and brother. We've invited 5 others, two of whom are the best man and maid of honor.

I get more excited every day this thing gets closer. There's only 110 days left until I get married.

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