Wedding Countdown

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Only seven days left of work

Next Tuesday is my last day of work. Wednesday we're off to my parents and then Thursday we're on the plane.

My dress arrived two weeks ago and at first I wasn't sure if I liked it at all, but I've grown to love it now that I have a little color... even if it is fake. Johnny is taking it today to have it pressed so it should be in good shape.

Last night I had a bit of a meltdown about what I have left to do, including the fact that I still hadn't bought a veil or hairpiece. We made a list and Johnny will do what he can, but just the fact that he cares makes me feel better about it.

Probably, there won't be any updates until next week. There's only 10 days left...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Been a while.

So yeah Trista pretty much recapped the important stuff, mostly we have both been busy with non wedding related things this last month or so... School is coming to a close for the summer so the kids are restless and my last few weeks at work have been rather shitty. On top of the Shelby and Amanda dropped out of the wedding... Kinda sucks but there isn't much I can do about it. Oh well, Nate is still coming and with them dropping out I think we have enough room in the limo for the whole family that is staying at new york new york can ride in the limo. So, there is that.

In other news I think Trista and I have both decided that we are both going to go for our MLS degrees at the same time, that way we can both be librarians, which I think will be a job I find much more enjoyable and fulfilling than 5th and 6th grade art. I dont even think I really want to do school librarians either, but it will be nice to have the option.

I'm very excite about the wedding. I really cant wait until june so I can focus more fully on it. One thing we need to do soon is get show tickets, I need to call the Chapel again and see what and when that free show they are giving us is.

So far we know we want to see Penn and Teller, Zumanity, and the Tournament of Kings. Hopefully our free show wont suck. We need the date and time of it so we can buy our other tickets. I think that is the plan for next weekend.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's been a while

In fact, here is a short rundown of things that have happened in the month since we last updated:
  1. I nearly lost my job.
  2. We decided on Nobhill Tavern in MGM Grand as our reception spot. Daddy is officially paying.
  3. I've lost nearly 30 pounds on a combination of Slim Fast and Weight Watchers, though how much of it is just water weight I'm not sure.
  4. I've been measured for my dress and officially paid for it.
  5. We're taking more engagement photos in June.
  6. Shelby, Amanda, John Mark and Tabitha have all bailed.
  7. Both wedding rings have been purchased.
  8. I have begun inflating my wardrobe with honeymoon clothes.
I also have been reading more wedding books: Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert and For Better: the Science of a Good Marriage by Lara Pope-Lynn. Both have been interesting and thought provoking, and I'd recommend them to anyone about to make a major life commitment.

I have to get back to work. More later from either me or Johnny.

There are only 51 days left.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I have a cold so basically nothing got accomplished this weekend. I finally sent John Mark his promised email so now he, Tabitha, and Ben have all officially been invited. It remains to be seen what will come of it.

We're still waffling on the issue of the reception dinner. Since I'm pretty sure I heard the old man say he was PAYING for the reception I'm feeling a little unsure about a buffet. There are lots of VERY nice restaurants in Mandalay Bay and lots of nice bars we could mosey to afterward as well. It might be nice to go to a nice place. We may get special treatment and I'm sure it'd be an easy thing to get a nice, private room without too much extra bullshit. But I don't know. Maybe my dad is effecting me.

Definitely we need to have made a decision in the next couple of weeks though so we can move on this. We should have our minds made up on Plans A and B so when we tell my dad wether he wants to pay or not the decision is made either way.

I'm getting tired of sending everyone the same Las Vegas information and travel links. It's really sounding like a good idea to have another website or even maybe a Facebook group to disseminate this information in an easy fashion.

I can't believe there's so much still left to do and decisions to make and people to whip into making a decision before we get married, and there's only 82 days left.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Well 3 months eh? I can't wait. I keep asking Trista if it is June yet, and sadly the answer is always no.

There has been some discussion of possible changes made to our "Reception" dinner after the wedding. We did some Review checking on the Round Table buffet, and it sounds like Round Table might be kinda shitty (eg, cold food etc). So we may spring for the Mandalay Buffet which is one hotel down and only a few bucks more expensive, plus they offer private rooms for groups of 20+ we won't have that many, but we plan to call them and see if we can get such a room anyways if its not too expensive.

Trista's dad seems to think we can do better than a buffet, and there is rumor that he may pay for the reception someplace nicer that a buffet, and thats fine any help he wants to offer we will greatly accept. The only problem is getting everybody to said place, the nice thing about the buffets is they are walking distance from our hotels. Plus if the Buffet is good, I don't see what is wrong with it, and from all accounts Mandalay Buffet is nice. I think Trista's dad tends to fancy us as more luxurious people than we really are sometimes...

Anyways, we need to make a decision some time this month about what we plan to do for it, and its definitely time to get everyone who doesn't have plane tickets/hotel reservations to get them! Clock is tickin!

Monday, March 28, 2011

New Invitees

We took our engagement photos this past weekend in Huntsville. Johnny's mom worked the camera and they turned out really well. We'll shoop them a little bit and put them up on Flickr or something for everyone to see.

Amy's request for time off was rejected so right now she's a no. She says she is transferring in May though, and she's going to tell them that she already got the time off to see if she can get it that way. Honestly, I don't have much hope that my MOH will make it.

On the other hand, Shelby and Amanda got their tax refund in, so they will be buying their tickets soon and planning their stay. We'll be buying our show tickets and making fancy dinner reservations some time this month, hopefully one of those shows will be with them.

Mike and Tracy won't be able to make the wedding so we've decided to invite some more friends of ours. For me: Ben, John Mark, and Tabitha. For Johnny: Nate. Ben and Nate seem pretty interested, but I haven't heard squat from John Mark and Tabi, but then I only told them yesterday.

We need to call the hotel to see if they'll bump us for a couple of nights for our wedding and if they'll charge us and stuff like that. We have to call the chapel too because we apparently get show tickets with our wedding package and we don't know what shows they're for. Hopefully, one of the shows they offer will be one of the ones we're interested in.

I'm really thinking that this blog will be simply for us to look back on and read from time to time as an account of the days leading up to our wedding. Therefore, I don't think I'll ever let our parents see it. Which, means we can be a bit more REAL than we are at the moment. Probably I'll make a crappy wedding page on The Knot for everyone to actually look at with links and info but without the blow by blow details.

The wedding is in 95 days.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Clothes done!

Well I managed to pick my clothes. A red dress shirt, a black vest, some black pants, and Black converse. I haven't got the converse yet, but will soon. I also haven't decided on a tie yet. It's nice to have that sorted out though. We decided it might be too hot for a full suit, so I don't think I'll be getting a jacket, but there is still time should I change my mind. As for the shoes, I don't know if I'm going to get normal black converse, or if I will look into ordering a custom pair. I need to look at the shoe maker thing on the website again. It's nice to have that done. As far as I know, Trista's dress selection is pretty much done, I'm sure she will write something about it soon.

We also decided we will be eating out reception dinner at The Round Table Buffet at the Excalibur. All you can Feast. It's about 18 bucks a person, which is pretty good for a vegas buffet, and the food still looks good, plus it right across from the hotel where we and most everyone else will be staying so we wont have to play Taxi tag to get everyone over there! We are waiting on final numbers before we actually make the reservation. So far, my parents, chris, Trista's mom and grandma are the only ones to officially buy their tickets. Shelby and Amanda are waiting for their tax refund, and so is Amy, as for Trista's Dad who knows. I also finally managed to get a hold of my brother Mike after a week of trying to call, I ended up having to call my nephew Justin to get a hold of him! So, I e-mailed them all the info and am waiting to hear if they will be able to make it or not.

Hopefully by the end of april everyone will have their travel and hotel squared away so we can officially call the Excalibur and tell the chapel the final numbers.

Now we are starting to really think about things to do in Vegas after the wedding. We know we want to see Penn and Teller, we are both big fans of their show Bull Shit. We are also thinking Zoomanity, but other than that I'm not sure. I'm sure looking forward to going to Vegas for the first time! July can't come soon enough!